Friday, December 31, 2010

Bonsai photos

I decided to take some photos of a few Bonsais in my collection today. They are added to this post. As Bonsais are never finished, all of these trees must be seen as art in progress. Some of them are babies in the sense that they have just started their training and others are a bit more advanced. This is a game of being patient. Change and corrections to plants take a long time to establish.

Japanese Maple

I have just uprooted a dissectum Japanese Maple from the garden. Will soon post photos. I did this towards the end of the day to enable it to stand in its new training crate during the cool of the night. Some severe root pruning had to take place and about two thirds of the top was cut. Not really the best time of year to do this, but we are moving soon and I wanted the tree out and replanted before the shift.